Full story is found in the ZANU PF mouthpiece the Herald.
Link: http://www.herald.co.zw/inside.aspx?sectid=1761&cat=1
"I was reading recent utterances by Condoleezza Rice (US Secretary of State) that African leaders are not prepared to topple President Mugabe and bring about regime change.
"She condemned this inability on the part of African leaders. How could African leaders ever topple Robert Mugabe, organise an army to come? It is not easy. I do not know of any African country that is brave enough to do that."
President Mugabe took a swipe at Botswana for being a mouthpiece for the British and the Americans.
Africans, he said, were rational enough to know that epidemics do occur regardless of whether one is black or white.
He warned delegates to be wary of the enemy who was devising new ways of destroying Zanu-PF from within and urged members to be on high alert.
The President said there has been a build- up of incidents of a military nature perpetrated against the people and country.
"Now we notice there is change . . . that change is that the enemy forces should now concentrate on personalities in Zanu-PF. Let’s take care. You are the leaders of the party," President Mugabe said urging party members to guard against "supping and dining" with the enemy.
"Tikadaro chete tapera. Nyaya iyoyi yekucherana ngaipere," he said to applause from delegates.
Most of the Central Committee members shouted "No" when the President asked whether all the members were clean.
He expressed dismay at the skirmishes that characterised Harare provincial elections warning some party members to desist from being too ambitions, backbiting, tribalist and regionalist.
"You might have an ambition but let not your ambition be misguided. We do not want it. Let us avoid it. I hope we can correct that kind of trend, which is developing.
"Varipo vangataura kuti isu tinoda zvechidunhu, nyika yakarwirwa by all tribes. We are Zimbabweans first and foremost. Yes, we keep our cultures, but we should not allow that to divide us . . . As one people we can move forward together faster than a divided people.
"Zvimaparty zvingamuka kana zvikadini zvazvo but as long as they are not based on unity and have no history as that of our party, the political wealth that our party has, they can never last," he said.
He denounced the use of the youths in fighting against each other while the enemy was plotting day and night to win over the party members in a bid to decimate the party.
"Setting one group against the other . . . Zvava zveboxing? The enemy is planning day and night ways and means of winning our people and therefore reduce our membership . . . Let’s have a counter to that," he said.
"Yes, they will back you to do the foolish business of fighting your people but we are watchful. We are saying that cannot continue."
Mthwakazi for life, iyabuya inkululeko umugabe eyefela khatshana sekuseduze mtakamama ungakhohlwa.