Noreen Welch posted a link.
Yesterday at 11:33.
AFP: Blair says Mugabe 'should be overthrown'
BERLIN — Tony Blair believes that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe should be overthrown, a German magazine quoted the former British prime minister as saying in an interview published on Wednesday.
Bobo Jaan : Tick tock tick tock tick tock age is such a wonderful process...its going to be great to see the propagandists, generals , sycophants, criminals, rent-a-crowds, etc etc scramble when the figurehead passes with great pomp to heros acre (or is that the sin bin)....what a wonderful feeling....Hum diddly dee....
Yesterday at 15:52 Ray RockinghamRUFFCUTS, as the November 1997 public letter from Labour Government Secretary of State Claire Short clearly states, the British Government told Mugabe that they would withhold further financial compensation for the purchase of white owned commercial farm land until a new Land Registry was established which verified with complete transparency that ... Read morethe British Taxpayers money (compensation) was buying white owned land which was being given to poor BLACK Zimbabweans for the clear purpose of alleviating BLACK poverty in Zimbabwe. This is what angered Mugabe because Mugabe want the land as a bribe to buy the loyalty of the senior ZANU-PF members who keep Mugabe in power.
The British wanted to help poor BLACK Zimbabweans but Mugabe would not permit the British to do this so Mugabe invented the LIE that the British were practicing neo-colonialism against black peoples' interests. RUFFCUTS, Mugabe is a LIAR and if you repeat Mugabes' LIES then RUFFCUTS you are also a liar equal to Mugabe.
Yesterday at 18:34 RuffcutsWear Marco Machona@Ray..Please read my posting carefully. What your wrote was exactly my points. I said Tony had imprints on the land issues in Zim . I stated exactly the amount then...which was about 47million pounds and the reasons for the conflict to disburse and future usage. Bob saying he didn't want to be told how to spend it and on who..etc...Tony ... Read moreinsisting on what U have expressed. Audit etc. So my friend you can equate me to Bob all you want but the land issues in Zim were to a greater extend Tony's and Bob's staborness...Up to now UK Government feels not obliged to pay any compensation, it was Tony's final stance. Bob capitalised on that.Ruffcuts is not a liar, i just follow Politics. That is why MDC, CFU are on a hard place now and AU, SADC,etc on Bob's side. Facts.
Yesterday at 20:12Conor WalshWe should blame the Brutish government because it did not overthrow Mgaxa at the height of Gukurahundi.
We should not blame the Brutish for not paying money to allow weekend goche goche farmers to tshisa nyama instead of farming as is now the case.
Yesterday at 20:35 Ray RockinghamRuffcuts says ... ''So my friend you can equate me to Bob all you want but the land issues in Zim were to a greater extend Tony's and Bob's staborness...Up to now UK Government feels not obliged to pay any compensation, it was Tony's final stance. Bob capitalised on that.''
By these words above Ruffcuts Machona holds Blair and Mugabe equally ... Read moreresponsible for the land grab and the collapse of commercial agriculture in Zimbabwe. Machona is talking rubbish as Mugabe is alone to blame because the British were defending poor black Zimbabweans against Mugabes' abuse of poor black Zimbabweans by denying them the land which the white British taxpayers wanted to pay for, but Mugabe falsely blames the British because Mugabe is a Liar who abuses poor black people in Zimbabwe and then falsely blames the white British Government. Therefore the British government have zero blame for food insecurity in Zimbabwe and Mugabe is 100% to blame for food insecurity in Zimbabwe.
...continued below...
Yesterday at 21:13 Ray RockinghamRuffcuts Machona falsely states that Mugabe and Blair are equally to blame because Ruffcuts Machona is no less a liar than Mugabe. Above Taff Gidi says to Ruffcuts Machona ... ''To blame Tony Blair for the shambolic, murderous land grab by Mugabe loyalists is just plain silly!''
Taff Gidi is right when he says that Ruffcuts Machona is silly. ... Read moreMachona has no rational opinion which is worth typing on facebook because Machona is an empty-headed mischief maker who plays with is computer and tries to sound intelligent when he is not - Machona is Silly - and he lies just like Mugabe.
Yesterday at 21:14 RuffcutsWear Marco Machona@Ray...all you know its a group of old women who started land invassion. Bob actually arrested them first. Cde Hunzwi hijacked the plot of land invassion. Again Bob was initially against land invassion....the beef between Tony and Bob "much later" fuelled using land invassion ...AND was used as an election and political tool. Like i said your lack ... Read moreof knowledge is what makes u loud for nothing. I would think as a sympathiser for 'so called food security" you would know the history behind the messy. Its wise you read than resort to calling names. You are a victim of your own propaganda my friend. Don't rely on FB for facts.....I rest my case...lack of knowledge is dangerous.
Yesterday at 21:24 Ray Rockingham So now Ruffcutts Machona has abandoned his lie that Tony Blair and Mugabe were equally responsible and now Machona is admitting that the land grab and the collapse of food security in Zimbabwe was 100% Mugabes' responsibility as an election and political tool.
If Mugabe wanted to win the votes of the ordinary black poor people of Zimbabwe then ... Read moreMugabe would have welcomed the British £40+ million to buy commercial farm land to give to poor black Zimbabweans. But Mugabe is an autocratic Dictator who never felt any need to encourage the black peasantry to like him and to vote for him, the only voters Mugabe cared about was the 400,000 black commercial farm workers whom he wanted to punish for voting MDC - just as he had previously used Gukurahundi to punish the Indebele for voting ZAPU and later used Murambatsvina to punish urban workers for voting MDC.
...continued below...
Yesterday at 22:24 Ray Rockingham Mugabe only ever wanted the valuable land in the high rainfall areas for ZANU-PF, so Mugabe printed fake duplicate bank notes at the Reserve Bank as bribes to buy the loyalty of 20,000 junior ZANU-PF (warvets) so they would harass commercial farms with dancing, chanting and a few fights, then Mugabe amended the constitution to seize commercial ... Read morefarms so he could buy the loyalty of senior ZANU-PF members with bribes of free farms. In this way Mugabe caused hyper-inflation and the collapse of food security in Zimbabwe making Zimbabwe today officially the most aid dependent country in the world.
All this suffering which Mugabe has caused to millions of ordinary Zimbabweans, both those living within Zimbabwe and those living in exile in other countries, all because Mugabe is a Psychopath who would happily destroy Zimbabwe rather than lose his power over Zimbabwe.
...continued below...
Yesterday at 22:24 Ray Rockingham And now this idiot called Ruffcuts Machona wants the 3000 friends of Noreen to believe that Mugabe was powerless to control the events which were being instigated by some old women and Hunzwi plus Tony Blair who only angered the Psychopath Mugabe by insisting that British Taxpayers money was only to be use to alleviate the poverty of poor black ... Read moreZimbabweans.
Machona you are disgusting and the way you refer to Hunzwi as ''Cde'' reveals to all of us that Ruffcuts Machona is really a Zaniod who is only on Noreens' friend list to promote ZANU-PF propaganda. Ruffcuts Machona at the end of your last comment you say, ''I rest my case'', but there is no need for you to rest your case because you are a ZANU-PF propagandist and your facts are fictitious so you have no case to explain and therefore no case to rest. Machona you are a ZANU-PF activist and the only reason you are not ashamed of yourself is because you are too stupid to know how stupid you are.
Yesterday at 22:26 Malvin Ndlovuhe has to go
21 hours ago Bobo JaanRay, do you really expect any more from a guy who worked as a propagandist for the mouth piece of Zanu PF the ZBC??
15 hours agoRay RockinghamThank you Bobo Jaan - I didn't know that. From now on every time Marco Machona appears on facebook we should all post a comment exposing his ZBC origins and his ZANU-PF allegiance. Anyone who supports, or avoids criticising Mugabe/ZANU-PF, is someone who is no better than the other human scum who still today sympathise with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Posts from Zimbabweans on Facebook Forums
AFP: Blair says Mugabe 'should be overthrown'
BERLIN — Tony Blair believes that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe should be overthrown, a German magazine quoted the former British prime minister as saying in an interview published on Wednesday.
Comment · .
Mike Bennett
What an imbecile.
7 hours ago
Gus Nhara
uuuuummmmmmmm.....intresting he says this after he is out of office
6 hours ago
Clement Museka
no wonder tht guy Tambaoga sang tht 'The Blair tht he knows is a toilet...'
6 hours ago
Ed Mungure
With the greatest of respect Tony Blair is partly to blame for our current predicament. Careless unhelpful statements such as this help create the prevailing atmosphere. Gus this is not the first time Blair has preached the gospel of regime change even as Prime minister he said the same. Mugabe would then use such to say Britain wants to recolonise the country and the MDC are their agents. This is a clear case of the heart being in the right place but the mouth and mind in the wrong place.
6 hours ago
Shalton Yotham Ngwenya
Last time I checked he. His job description was peace envoy!!
6 hours ago
Desmond Ian Crystal
But isnt he right ?
6 hours ago
Masimba Biriwasha
In spite of our decay, and ever-lasting doldrums, Mr. Blair should just shut up. He is not helping our cause by his unsought blabber.
6 hours ago
Taff Gidi
Tony is not the enemy here. would everyone stop p***sy footing around bob and just tell it as it is. Speaking out against the evil is not wrong!!!! Tony Blair is to blame for taking Mugabe to task because he was starving his own people? Gimme a break......
6 hours ago
Desmond Ian Crystal
Well put Taff, what Zim needs is strong Men & Women and a lot less politicians, Tony just said what all are too scared to.
6 hours ago
Mota Kuta
Bob is the devil incarnate, that is , the devil in person!!!!!!!!
6 hours ago
Roger Stringer
I wonder who he thinks should do the overthrowing?
6 hours ago
Desmond Ian Crystal
The people who put him there in the first place.
5 hours ago
Roger Stringer
You'll never find anyone who said they voted for him!
5 hours ago
Mabel Laurence
We shall overcome We shall overcome We shall overcome some day CHORUS:... Read moreOh, deep in my heart I do believe We shall overcome some day
5 hours ago
RuffcutsWear Marco Machona
Oh Tony still around! Tony Tony Tony...Last time he was verbally abused in SA during a UN something...he never recovered from that "belittlement". Help us and when??? Tony...i see your prints on the land question in Zim..Wasn't it u who refused land compensation? (40 million pounds for Commercial farmers)... .now u talk Tosh again without a plan!!!!Wrong person to say som' like that!!
5 hours ago
Taff Gidi
Machona, get your fact straight. Tony said to Mugabe show us what you did with the first £40mil+ we already gave you before we can give you anymore. Mugabe knowing that he stole most of that money refused to account for it and instead called blair names. I am surprised you fell for that. To blame Tony Blair for the shambolic, murderous land grab by Mugabe loyalists is just plain silly!
4 hours ago
Desmond Ian Crystal
Im outta here guys ! tired of talking in square circles, Let Zim fall where it may.
4 hours ago
RuffcutsWear Marco Machona
@Tafi..I have checked my facts. Am correct. Zim had recieved far more that 40 million pounds pre to Tony Adminitrastion. When he entered the scene, an outstanding balance of 47million pounds was due. A disagreement on the usage of the previous 'funds" and future use of the balance. Disagreements erupted and the rest is in the public domain...of ... Read morename calling but that was the source of frictions through Tony's era. Anything else u want me to explain mr Tafi.....yes like i said Tony had imprints in the land issue in Zim...its no secret. Am not a loyalist but factual as it comes...
4 hours ago
Conor Walsh
Blair may or may not be right but the fact is nobody will overthrow the son of the Father of Lies so he is just wasting his breath.
4 hours ago
Bobo Jaan
So exactly what happened to the 40 million? .....
3 hours ago
Kirth Dube
Tony has just asked the people to get rid of the c...nt! and what do Mugabe worshipers do?...piss on those who have guts to tell it as it is. Mugabe must be shot at point blank including all his prophets of doom.
2 hours ago · Delete
Bobo Jaan
Tick tock tick tock tick tock age is such a wonderful process...its going to be great to see the propagandists, generals , sycophants, criminals, rent-a-crowds, etc etc scramble when the figurehead passes with great pomp to heros acre (or is that the sin bin)....what a wonderful feeling....Hum diddly dee....
2 hours ago
Ray Rockingham
RUFFCUTS, as the November 1997 public letter from Labour Government Secretary of State Claire Short clearly states, the British Government told Mugabe that they would withhold further financial compensation for the purchase of white owned commercial farm land until a new Land Registry was established which verified with complete transparency that ... Read morethe British Taxpayers money (compensation) was buying white owned land which was being given to poor BLACK Zimbabweans for the clear purpose of alleviating BLACK poverty in Zimbabwe. This is what angered Mugabe because Mugabe want the land as a bribe to buy the loyalty of the senior ZANU-PF members who keep Mugabe in power.The British wanted to help poor BLACK Zimbabweans but Mugabe would not permit the British to do this so Mugabe invented the LIE that the British were practicing neo-colonialism against black peoples' interests. RUFFCUTS, Mugabe is a LIAR and if you repeat Mugabes' LIES then RUFFCUTS you are also a liar equal to Mugabe.
9 minutes ago
BERLIN — Tony Blair believes that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe should be overthrown, a German magazine quoted the former British prime minister as saying in an interview published on Wednesday.
Comment · .
Mike Bennett
What an imbecile.
7 hours ago
Gus Nhara
uuuuummmmmmmm.....intresting he says this after he is out of office
6 hours ago
Clement Museka
no wonder tht guy Tambaoga sang tht 'The Blair tht he knows is a toilet...'
6 hours ago
Ed Mungure
With the greatest of respect Tony Blair is partly to blame for our current predicament. Careless unhelpful statements such as this help create the prevailing atmosphere. Gus this is not the first time Blair has preached the gospel of regime change even as Prime minister he said the same. Mugabe would then use such to say Britain wants to recolonise the country and the MDC are their agents. This is a clear case of the heart being in the right place but the mouth and mind in the wrong place.
6 hours ago
Shalton Yotham Ngwenya
Last time I checked he. His job description was peace envoy!!
6 hours ago
Desmond Ian Crystal
But isnt he right ?
6 hours ago
Masimba Biriwasha
In spite of our decay, and ever-lasting doldrums, Mr. Blair should just shut up. He is not helping our cause by his unsought blabber.
6 hours ago
Taff Gidi
Tony is not the enemy here. would everyone stop p***sy footing around bob and just tell it as it is. Speaking out against the evil is not wrong!!!! Tony Blair is to blame for taking Mugabe to task because he was starving his own people? Gimme a break......
6 hours ago
Desmond Ian Crystal
Well put Taff, what Zim needs is strong Men & Women and a lot less politicians, Tony just said what all are too scared to.
6 hours ago
Mota Kuta
Bob is the devil incarnate, that is , the devil in person!!!!!!!!
6 hours ago
Roger Stringer
I wonder who he thinks should do the overthrowing?
6 hours ago
Desmond Ian Crystal
The people who put him there in the first place.
5 hours ago
Roger Stringer
You'll never find anyone who said they voted for him!
5 hours ago
Mabel Laurence
We shall overcome We shall overcome We shall overcome some day CHORUS:... Read moreOh, deep in my heart I do believe We shall overcome some day
5 hours ago
RuffcutsWear Marco Machona
Oh Tony still around! Tony Tony Tony...Last time he was verbally abused in SA during a UN something...he never recovered from that "belittlement". Help us and when??? Tony...i see your prints on the land question in Zim..Wasn't it u who refused land compensation? (40 million pounds for Commercial farmers)... .now u talk Tosh again without a plan!!!!Wrong person to say som' like that!!
5 hours ago
Taff Gidi
Machona, get your fact straight. Tony said to Mugabe show us what you did with the first £40mil+ we already gave you before we can give you anymore. Mugabe knowing that he stole most of that money refused to account for it and instead called blair names. I am surprised you fell for that. To blame Tony Blair for the shambolic, murderous land grab by Mugabe loyalists is just plain silly!
4 hours ago
Desmond Ian Crystal
Im outta here guys ! tired of talking in square circles, Let Zim fall where it may.
4 hours ago
RuffcutsWear Marco Machona
@Tafi..I have checked my facts. Am correct. Zim had recieved far more that 40 million pounds pre to Tony Adminitrastion. When he entered the scene, an outstanding balance of 47million pounds was due. A disagreement on the usage of the previous 'funds" and future use of the balance. Disagreements erupted and the rest is in the public domain...of ... Read morename calling but that was the source of frictions through Tony's era. Anything else u want me to explain mr Tafi.....yes like i said Tony had imprints in the land issue in Zim...its no secret. Am not a loyalist but factual as it comes...
4 hours ago
Conor Walsh
Blair may or may not be right but the fact is nobody will overthrow the son of the Father of Lies so he is just wasting his breath.
4 hours ago
Bobo Jaan
So exactly what happened to the 40 million? .....
3 hours ago
Kirth Dube
Tony has just asked the people to get rid of the c...nt! and what do Mugabe worshipers do?...piss on those who have guts to tell it as it is. Mugabe must be shot at point blank including all his prophets of doom.
2 hours ago · Delete
Bobo Jaan
Tick tock tick tock tick tock age is such a wonderful process...its going to be great to see the propagandists, generals , sycophants, criminals, rent-a-crowds, etc etc scramble when the figurehead passes with great pomp to heros acre (or is that the sin bin)....what a wonderful feeling....Hum diddly dee....
2 hours ago
Ray Rockingham
RUFFCUTS, as the November 1997 public letter from Labour Government Secretary of State Claire Short clearly states, the British Government told Mugabe that they would withhold further financial compensation for the purchase of white owned commercial farm land until a new Land Registry was established which verified with complete transparency that ... Read morethe British Taxpayers money (compensation) was buying white owned land which was being given to poor BLACK Zimbabweans for the clear purpose of alleviating BLACK poverty in Zimbabwe. This is what angered Mugabe because Mugabe want the land as a bribe to buy the loyalty of the senior ZANU-PF members who keep Mugabe in power.The British wanted to help poor BLACK Zimbabweans but Mugabe would not permit the British to do this so Mugabe invented the LIE that the British were practicing neo-colonialism against black peoples' interests. RUFFCUTS, Mugabe is a LIAR and if you repeat Mugabes' LIES then RUFFCUTS you are also a liar equal to Mugabe.
9 minutes ago
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